《英雄聯盟》2015 LMS 夏季聯賽第六周人物焦點


【2015 LMS Smmer Split VODs, Schedule and Highlight 】

第六週共有五天、十場激烈的系列賽,距季後賽僅剩兩週,目前隊伍排名可分為三個段次。首先是季後賽保送席 ahq 與閃電狼;其次為冀望者們 HKE、MSE、M17 以及 TPA;光譜最末端則是 AS 與 LGS,他們在比賽中常與其它隊伍陷入拉鋸,然而苦戰卻未能替他們贏得積分,晉級的機會也越顯渺茫。

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Week 6 featured the tightest schedule yet, with 10 sets of games played in 5 days. With only two weeks till playoffs we’re seeing three tiers of teams emerge. The Locked-In Tier of AHQ and FW, the Playoff Hopefuls in HKE, MSE, M17(previously MAC) and TPA. At the end of the spectrum are the Down-n-Out AS and LGS, two teams who have looked strong in losses, but are likely too far gone to make a comeback.

1. Standings

Machi 與 HKE 破解了 ahq 的不敗金身。ahq 因 Mountain 手傷而換回春季賽陣容,由綠茶擔任輔助、小夜夜打野,他們拿下了與 AS 的系列賽,但隊伍實力仍充滿變數。閃電狼有汎蟲 Kkramer 助陣,給了後起之秀 MSE 與 LGS 下馬威。Meta 的風向令 Stanley 越加如魚得水,也使 HKE 橫掃了 AS 與 M17 的系列賽。MSE 雖然對後段班隊伍展現了較高的天賦,但仍需更多策略思維,在閃電狼手中吞敗尤其突顯了這點。TPA 讓 Jay 與 REFRA1N 上場,拿下了第二輪賽事的首勝。

[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀..

AHQ was finally defeated this week, taking a loss from Machi and HKE. Although they did sweep AS, their outlook did not improve as Mountain announced that his wrist injury would keep him out of the lineup for an undisclosed time. AHQ played with their Spring line up with GreenTea at support and Albis at jungle. Flash Wolves played Kkramer both sets and displayed that they were one step ahead of surging MSE and LGS. HKE crushed AS and M17, continuing their upward swing as the meta shifts in Stanley’s favor. While MSE has clearly shown the raw talent to pick on the lower tier teams in the league, they will need more strategical advantages as FW trounced them easily with Maple’s Azir. TPA found their first wins in the second round by inserting Jay and REFRA1N back into the line-up, while M17 looked surprisingly resilient with Apex and Hanji.

貝克:「ahq 之前能達到這麼高峰,對我來說是有點意外。我不希望他們照這個模式打下去,打富有競爭力的比賽是好的,輸掉比賽我覺得能夠接受。」

[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀...

I don’t want them to continue in this [winning]mode, they need to feel the competition, I think these losses are fine.-Backstairs, AHQ Coach

當 Maplesnow 拿不到藍寶、艾西也被削弱,聯盟中唯一的業餘隊伍 AS 似乎走入了迷途。LGS 進入季後賽的機會也不高,除了積分落後,他們至今未曾拿過任合系列賽勝場,然而 LGS 仍成就了許多刺激的賽事,K 的侵略性以及 RD 的奈德麗神奇長矛,這些都再再令人難忘。

AS is a complete free fall, with teams denying Maplesnow’s Rumble and nerfs to Ashe, the only amatuer team left in LMS seems to have lost their way. LGS may failed to win any BOs so far, but have produced entertaining games with K’s hyper aggression and RD’s Nidalee sniping on the wings.

2. Meta-Watch

選角階段,90% 的時候我們都能發現杰西與法洛士的蹤影。共計十場比賽中,杰西與法洛士能夠於召喚峽谷逞凶鬥狠;另八場賽事,他們被封印了起來。這些數字象徵了 poke meta 的強勢崛起。poke 陣型是否成功,取決於隊伍是否能盡早結束比賽,這裡我很高興能與大家分享,poke 陣獲勝時的遊戲平均時間為奇妙的 31:38,而他們敗下陣來的時間點為 41:58。第六週,大量隊伍使用了poke 陣,但過了 36 分鐘之後,沒有任何隊伍得勝。

90% of games had at least Jayce or Varus appear during ban pick phase. Jayce or Varys was picked in 10 games while banned in 8, officially heralding the start of the poke meta. The biggest indicator to whether a poke comp was successful was the ability to close early. When poke comps won, the average game time was as short as 31:38, when they lost it was at 41:58 minutes. No team was able to win on a poke comp past 36 minutes in week 6.

Clement:「Poke 陣執行起來容易,但節奏一拖就容易夭折。」
"Poke comps are easy to execute, but their momentum is hard to maintain." -Clement, Garena Caster

Kkramer 曾抵韓服第三名的高位,他是個懂得自己在做什麼的男人。Kkramer 替「暗夜行者」汎選配水星之靴、替希維爾裝配黑色切割者與殞落王者之劍、並讓伊澤瑞爾揮起奪魄之鐮。除了別有新意的岀裝,Kkramer 的 KDA 為 10,單場平均傷害也高達 28K。

Kkramer peaked at third on the Korean Challenger ladder, so it is safe to say he knows what he’s doing. The Vayne main picked up Mercury Treads both both games on the Night Hunter, while opting for a Black Cleaver and BotRK on Sivir, and Essence Reaver on Ezreal. Regardless of build, has proven himself to be a very deadly marksmen with 10 KDA and an average output of 28K damage to champions a game.

記得:「剛剛跟 Steak 聊了一下,他說印象中 Kkramer 練習時沒買過防裝。我覺得像 Kkramer 這種 AD 選手有一種迷人的魅力。」

Steak told me he’d never seen Kkramer buy a defensive item in scrims..marksmen like Kkramer are captivating to watch. - Mr. Remember, Garena Caster

西門尤如逆命的化身,命運女神從上個季末眷顧他至今,而在 ahq 需要改變策略時,西門用實力抽取手牌,拿下三勝。我們可以發現,西門的逆命選裝出現了變化,核心裝備「巫妖之禍」成就了 21/9/0 的戰績,也對滑溜的 poke 陣醞釀極大的殺機。

In Taiwan, the names ‘Westdoor’ and ‘Twisted Fate’ are interchangeable. With AHQ needing a change in tactics this week, Westdoor reached back to an old friend, summoning the Card Master for three wins. Faced against an uptick of AD mids, Westdoor has shifted his build to 21/9/0 for the laning phase, while opting for Lich Bane first to put on more kill pressure against squishy poke comps.

西門:「我會緊盯敵方 AD 或 AP,並在最意外的時刻突襲他們。」
"My style of play is to keep eyes on only the AD or AP, and choose to assassinate them from the most unexpected moment from their perspective."- Westdoor

3. Player of the Week

Taipei Assassins Chawy, 20 CSD@10, 303 GD@10 in Week 6

本週之初,Chawy 單殺了 MSE 的韓援 caNdy,並在最後一場對上 LGS 的賽事,用奧莉安娜的大絕一次衝擊四個對手。TPA 本季的目標除了培訓新人,也同時在試驗不同的訓練系統,然而幾週以來最受砥礪的恐怕是這位沙場老手。Chawy 是幾週之內表現最強勢的中路選手,儘管隊伍表現馬馬虎虎,但他仍創造了許多驚人的數據 ─ 遊戲十分鐘平均 20 CS 優勢、303 元的經濟領先。也許,男人在絕境中最有力量,Chawy 的傷害貢獻高達 33.5%,是全聯盟之冠。

Chawy opened the week with a solo kill on MSE’s Korean import caNdy, and finished on a four-man shockwave vs. LGS. TPA's goal this split has been to train their newcomers and set-up a system of trainees, but the player they’ve ended up training the most has probably been Chawy. Forced to put on his carry pants, Chawy has emerged as the most lane dominant mid laner in recent weeks, leading in CSD and GD at 10 minutes despite an average record. Did I also mention he leads all players in damage contribution at 33.5%?

4. Game of the Week

LGS vs. FW Game 2

季後賽要看到 LGS 的機率偏低,可以預見的是,他們在下一季的表現將更上層樓。對任何職業隊來說,每一次陣容輪轉都如賭注,而 LGS 的冒險之心也見成效,閃電狼在這場比賽中命懸一線。LGS 利用遊戲前期的優勢強勢攻城,約莫 20 分鐘的高地攻防一觸即發,兩隊之間發生大量團戰,LGS 終究敗下陣來。如果您對狙擊之術深感著迷,這場史詩級的攻城掠地之戰絕對深得您心。

It might be too late for LGS to really make a playoff run, but it is never too late to get some recognition. The Snipers gamble to place main carry RD in the jungle, bring K into the
mid lane while filling the AD spot with Breeze has paid off. RD’s Nidalee and K’s Varus shot the lights out, pushing Flash Wolves to the brink. For most of the game FW was one dead carry from losing the game, but they managed to hold off with numerous teamfights on the steps of the base. If you enjoying watching sniping and base base defense this is the game for you.

叉燒:「相當出色,相當出色。你沒發現嗎?LGS 沒犯下策略失誤。」
I was very impressed. They didn’t make mistakes. - Fluidwind, Flash Wolves Coach